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TradInFo is an association of professional translators and interpreters, of which I have been a member since 2014. All TradInFo’s associates abide by a code of ethics, and are graduates from Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators. TradInFo organises training courses for its members. In order to ensure life-long-learning of all its members, TradInFo requires them to participate in a minimum amount of seminars and training courses every two years.


Parlamento Europeo Giovani

(European Youth Parliament Italy)


I was a member of Parlamento Europeo Giovani (PEG) from March 2005 to November 2015. The PEG (or EP Italy) is a politically independent and non-profit organisation founded in 1994 as the Italian National Committee of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). Aiming at raising awareness on active citizenship among 15 to 30 year-old European citizens, the EYP and its national committees organise European Parliament (EP) Committee Work and General Assembly simulations where young European citizens act as members of the EP. This way, youngsters can approach both the decision-macking process of the institutions and international relevant issues.

From 2008 to 2010 I was a member of the EYP Italy board, as the Head of Media & Communications.

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