Work experiences
AVSI Foundation
Milan, 19th-23rd January 2015
HAUNI Machines
Bologna, 19th August - 2nd September 2014
Confereces and professional refresher courses
Corporate law in common law countries
Specialised workshop in legal translation (English into Italian)
L&D Traduzioni Giudiriche
Bologna, 13th February 2016
LIT Search final conference
Final conference on LIT Search project - a pilot database for legal interpreters
and translators
KU Leuven University
Antwerp (Belgium), 9th-10th October 2015
Substantive & procedural criminal law in common law countries
Specialised workshop in legal translation (English into Italian)
L&D Traduzioni Giudiriche
Bologna, 25th October 2015
Acts and other documents in common law lawsuit
Specialised workshop in legal translation (English into Italian)
L&D Traduzioni Giudiriche
Bologna, 19th August 2015
Conference - "Translations, interpreting, information: new rights in
criminal proceedings in Italy"
Scuola Superiore della Magistratura
Bologna, 13th October 2014
Course - "Lengua Española y Traducción: Italiano – Español"
Colegio Delibes, Salamanca
Salamanca (Spain), July 2010
Most relevant events in which I took part:
Krakow (Poland), 05th-08th Sept. 2013
Role: President
Larissa (Grecia), 02nd-08th Aug. 2013
Role: Vice-president
Krakow (Poland), 12th-17th Jul. 2012
Role: Vice-president
Lillehammer (Norway), 10th-18th Dec. 2010
Role: Chairperson
Aix-en-Provence (France), 10th-13th Dec. 2009
Role: Vice-president
Fontainebleau (France), 10th-15th Aug. 2009
Role: Chairperson